New Work Expertin Dr. Isabelle Kürschner Design Thinking Speaking Writing Training Blog Facilitation

Let's shape the Future of Work together

Unlock the Future of Work with Expert-Led Speaking, Training, and Workshops

Explore the dynamic future of the workplace through tailored speaking engagements, interactive training sessions, and comprehensive workshops. Focus on essential topics such as upskilling and reskilling employees, personal development and career planning, future competencies, strength development, and effectively matching individuals with the right skills and jobs. Dive into innovative approaches like Design Thinking, thrive in virtual collaboration, and foster a sense of belonging and a strong corporate culture, even from a distance. Let's join forces to empower your team and shape the future of your organization.

Enhance communication and cultivate a sense of belonging within remote teams through effective strategies and tools. Discover how to maintain strong connections and a cohesive culture, no matter the physical distance.

Apply the principles of Design Thinking to your career planning process. Innovate and strategize your professional path with creative problem-solving techniques that open up new possibilities and align your skills with your aspirations.

Learn how you can support your own mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. Discover strategies to build resilience, manage stress effectively, and understand the key practices that can help you maintain your mental health and thrive in your professional life.

Facilitation and Hosting

Are you seeking a proficient moderator for your next event, panel discussion, or workshop? Need a creative mind for brainstorming and co-designing fresh concepts?

You don't need to search any longer—Isabelle is here to seamlessly facilitate discussions that are both engaging and enlightening. Her expertise ensures a smooth experience for organizers, guests, and the audience alike, making each event memorable and enjoyable. With a focus on effective communication and a keen understanding of audience engagement, she is adept at employing the right methods and frameworks to elevate any conference, panel, or virtual event.